tea substitute造句

"tea substitute"是什么意思   


  1. In furtherance of the boycotting mood, the young women probably drank a tea substitute grown in Maine.
  2. Although not widely drunk today, it is recorded that many " Leptospermum " species were used as a tea substitute by European settlers.
  3. If the late 2000s recession becomes as severe as the Great Depression, will significant numbers of people have to switch to coffee and tea substitutes as they did during the 1930s?
  4. Cuban hospitals now have " green " pharmacies where aloe leaves are whipped to make anti-inflammatory creams, herbal teas substitute for sedatives, and honey is used to make remedies of all sorts.
  5. They began drinking what was later known as " liberty tea . " Leaves from raspberries or black tea were commonly used as tea substitutes so people could still enjoy tea while refusing to buy goods imported through Britain.
  6. It's difficult to find tea substitute in a sentence. 用tea substitute造句挺难的
  7. He hoarded the money from the people of the circuit, instead making coins out of clay, and he prohibited purchasing tea leaves from south of the Yangtze River, instead using the leaves of the circuit's trees as tea substitutes.
  8. Arthur initially tries to help by supplying the Infinite Improbability Drive with a tea substitute from the ship's Nutrimatic device to serve as a source of Brownian motion, but this only causes Arthur to temporarily take on the consciousness of Ford, Zaphod, and Trillian in their respective pasts, and must manipulate events such that items in these past periods are brought aboard the " Heart of Gold " in the present.
  9. The slightly bitter and astringent taste and tea-like smell of speedwell led to its use as a tea substitute in 19th-century France, where it was called " th?d'Europe ", or " Europe tea . " The French still use this term as a name for speedwell . " Veronica officinalis " herb has been used in the traditional Austrian medicine internally ( as tea ) for treatment of disorders of the nervous system, respiratory tract, cardiovascular system, and metabolism.


  1. "tea station"造句
  2. "tea stirrer"造句
  3. "tea stove"造句
  4. "tea strainer"造句
  5. "tea strainers"造句
  6. "tea substitutes"造句
  7. "tea switzerland"造句
  8. "tea table"造句
  9. "tea table key"造句
  10. "tea tables"造句

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